Monday, May 24, 2010

The Trooper

What folly it is to even begin this balled,
a song of words for a man unheard.
Usually kept to himself--quiet and deep,
But I've known this man for 4 years,
and tonight he made me weap.

What folly it is to summerize a man of such skills and education,
Whose friends--a bullet would take--the highest adoration.
Whose butch demenor and sensitive side a man it does reflect,
a friend to some, a brother to few--the loyal he does respect

What folly it is to write about a man who is so greatly adored,
Whose kindness as a friend and devotion as a human being is so generously overpoured,
A guy who drops it all for you, travels to you, joins in hand with you, This HAS to be implored.

What folly it is to read this tribute
to a man that hates good-byes,
but this is something that I had to do
to eliminate the lies.

This is the man, the bear, the legend
The soon to be trooper,
And if you ever need to know or were dying to ask,
His name is Cody Cooper.

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