About nine months back, I was let go from my job. It was a good job and I love it. It payed well and I had good benefits. For a while, I tried to get a job, then gave up. My walk with the Lord started to spiral out of control and I became consumed in myself and schoolwork. One thing remained constant. I served in my church. We began to grow and have our own building. I came early every week to help set-up, take-down, and even run visuals for video and slide work. I offered any time I had to make sure the church grew. We did service projects, I helped with video intros and editing their material. I even continued to do this when the hardest year of my school career was undergoing and I was also involved in an internship. This is not a bragging fest. Hear me out. One night a week back, I got an email from Steve, lead pastor at
The Edge. He wanted to take me to dinner to talk about some church stuffs and even something for me. We ate dinner and Steve started talking. He said he had an opportunity for me to become a staff member in the church and get paid to do video and visuals at
The Edge Church. I would be getting paid more than my old job and doing what I already do for free. Steve told me that he wouldn't have offered this to me if I wanted to get paid, it was the fact that I was doing it out of the willingness of my heart and to bless the church that I was being offered payment for my services. Last night I had a dinner with Tony Woodall, speaking pastor at
The Edge. We began talking about my insecurities as a Husband and Father (of which I am neither, it was for discussion purposes). Tony told me a story that would knock you out. It was spurred from one verse. "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." The context of this verse is Jesus telling his disciples not to worry about what you eat or what you wear...the gentiles worry about these things. Seek the kingdom...and I will take care of you. It was right then that an explosion happened in my brain. THINK ABOUT THIS. I never realized it while it was happening, but because of my faithfulness with the church, and seeking the kingdom FIRST, because I was seeking the kingdom of God, He decided to bless me and take care of my needs. I now have a paid position at my church and it is the biggest answered prayer in a long time.
Seek the kingdom FIRST, and the other areas of life (money, food, clothing, shelter, employment, sickness, your walk with Christ) will be taken care of. Learn this now, not later.
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Amen! Loved the post. This is a great reminder to all Christians. We can get so terribly caught up in everything that we put God LAST (completely opposite of what He calls us to do). This is especially a good reminder to me as a wife because many times my Bible study is the LAST thing on my list. How silly of me! It should absolutely be the very FIRST thing on my list. Thanks again for the reminder. Excellent post!
Thanks. glad it spoke to you.
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