Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hey all you loyal bloggers. Time to talk to you.

It has come to my attention that I am going to switch permanently to I will still throw blogger into 'google reader' so I can read up on all of your blogs, but I will not be on anymore.

I know...tears. I'm sorry. But you can still follow me on There is an email subscription. If you live in the 21st century and you aren't an idiot, you probably have an email address. Heck, if you are reading this, you probably aren't an idiot. So go to and follow me.

Follow all the hilarity that is my ridiculous writing and sonnets of beauty at

I am leaving now. Good-bye. :' (

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Top List of Things I’ll Miss About Having A Man Beard

  1. Stroking the beard/fiddling with it when I’m pondering
  2. Catching things that fall out of my mouth
  3. Looking older
  4. Being able to hang things off my face
  5. Keeping my Chin warm
  6. Beard + Pipe = Cool
  7. Beard + Plaid Shirt = Awesome
  8. Lumberjack Impersonations
  9. Looking like a Viking
  10. Looking like a Pirate
  11. Feeling closer to my German Heritage
  12. Hiding Facial Imperfections
  13. Making Fun Designs e.g., Wolverine Chops, FuManChu, Creeper Stache, Goatee, Soul Patch
  14. Saving money on razors
  15. Keeping me Single
If you are wondering what this list is about, I think you know. the beard will be coming down within
the next month. Hilarity will follow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Month of Writing

Hello all.

I am dedicating next month as "Month of Writing." During said month I will be posting a blog about every other day on average. The reason behind this stems from last years traffic on my page. A year go, November 3rd, I stated to my audience that in this particular month, I was going to be, quote, "writing a bit less because I am studying." I turned out to write almost every day. I will make it a tradition to do such when this time of the year comes around.

I feel that I wrote as much as I did because it was the hardest and most stressful time of the year. When I am stressed or emotionally compromised, I write. I express. It's just what I do. that you know, expect more writings for the INTERNATIONAL MONTH OF WRITING EXTRAVAGANZA. Peace.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Taken Care Of

About nine months back, I was let go from my job. It was a good job and I love it. It payed well and I had good benefits. For a while, I tried to get a job, then gave up. My walk with the Lord started to spiral out of control and I became consumed in myself and schoolwork. One thing remained constant. I served in my church. We began to grow and have our own building. I came early every week to help set-up, take-down, and even run visuals for video and slide work. I offered any time I had to make sure the church grew. We did service projects, I helped with video intros and editing their material. I even continued to do this when the hardest year of my school career was undergoing and I was also involved in an internship. This is not a bragging fest. Hear me out. One night a week back, I got an email from Steve, lead pastor at The Edge. He wanted to take me to dinner to talk about some church stuffs and even something for me. We ate dinner and Steve started talking. He said he had an opportunity for me to become a staff member in the church and get paid to do video and visuals at The Edge Church. I would be getting paid more than my old job and doing what I already do for free. Steve told me that he wouldn't have offered this to me if I wanted to get paid, it was the fact that I was doing it out of the willingness of my heart and to bless the church that I was being offered payment for my services. Last night I had a dinner with Tony Woodall, speaking pastor at The Edge. We began talking about my insecurities as a Husband and Father (of which I am neither, it was for discussion purposes). Tony told me a story that would knock you out. It was spurred from one verse. "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." The context of this verse is Jesus telling his disciples not to worry about what you eat or what you wear...the gentiles worry about these things. Seek the kingdom...and I will take care of you. It was right then that an explosion happened in my brain. THINK ABOUT THIS. I never realized it while it was happening, but because of my faithfulness with the church, and seeking the kingdom FIRST, because I was seeking the kingdom of God, He decided to bless me and take care of my needs. I now have a paid position at my church and it is the biggest answered prayer in a long time.

Seek the kingdom FIRST, and the other areas of life (money, food, clothing, shelter, employment, sickness, your walk with Christ) will be taken care of. Learn this now, not later.

for the full post, visit: here

Friday, October 8, 2010

Technology Sucks. Yeah, YOU HEARD ME!!

So, to type this blog post is to enter into irony, but whatever, I need to get it off my chest.

Technology SUCKS!

Story Time.
One day (today) a man named Erich was on his computer and decided he wanted to check out some youber tubers. He clicked onto and started to sign in. The password wasn't accepted anymore as the Googles were trying to cut back on the amount of passwords going around and de-clutter everything. This perplexed Erichk. Erickk began to try and sign into his youber tuber account, as many important preferences and saved themes, not to mention all of his work via youtube, was on that channel he was so desperately trying to sign into.

So He went from one forum to the other, changing passwords, un-linking accounts, and other various unimportant things. At a certain moment in time, Erikh began to get pretty aggravated. Lets just say it was comparable to this: ( He began to cuss out the computer, which is rare, cause he loves his Macintoshes. His anger began to rise to a volcano like level. He began to get red in the face. He could feel it rising up within him. He was going to do something bad! Breathe......breathe.......breathe......He calms himself down. Takes a bathroom break. Comes back. Round 2. Erickhg searches for a contact email to tell youtuber about his problem. One does not exist. Immediately: (

Erickhhcc is now going completely mental and decides that he is just going to leave at the mercy of the incompetent and completely demented Googlers (who owns the youtubes if you didn't know) and go to his internship.

On the way, Arich thinks about his outbreak, which is rare for him to go nuts over anything, and came to a very interesting conclusion...

WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING?!?! That, to anyone watching, would have been completely dumb, idiotic and pointless. How stupid of me to be so emotional over technology. Was youtube going to cure cancers worldwide? Was youtube going to offer me a job?? Was youtube going to Help the Helpless?!? DID YOUTUBE DIE FOR MY SINS?!!?!?!!?!!?!?! NOOOOOOO!!

My freakout, because that is exactly what it was, told me just this: Technology, as cool as it is, should never rule you and your mind. This is what The Terminator taught me anyway. But seriously people, think about it: Why do we freakout when twitter goes down? Why is it when facebook goes under maintenance, or asks people about new changes, DO PEOPLE GO MONKEY BANANAS!?!?! Why is it that the iPhone 4 made people cry in their sleep? People, we cannot become so dependent on technology that it becomes our life. Let me say that again: we cannot become so dependent on technology that it becomes our life. There is a whole life out there people, open your beautiful eyes, breathe in through your very unique nostrils, feel with your one of a kind fingerprints, know that life is about more than what we own, or what is on the screen. People, there is a God who loves you, and if we detached from our computer screens, tv screens, cell phone screens for one second and take a look at a sunset, tell someone you love them, hug a friend, HIS LOVE WILL FILL YOU. Be blessed people.