Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

They have been waiting for hours, anxious anticipant. Their excitement is building to a point where they can't contain themselves. They know just where they will go and who they need to talk to. They have, A Game Plan. This day has been the one that they have been waiting for for many months. It doesn't come any better than this. *click* The Doors are swung wide, and in less than seconds the room is filled. I drag myself through the confusion and chaos, picking people who have fallen as I go. I race to my destination, not letting anything distract me, and OH are there temptations. A shelf here, and a shelf there, but NO. I race to my goal, not letting anything come between me and my prize. This is it, I see it in sight, I hit on the afterburners and stretch out to grab it. BAM! Months of waiting and its now mine. I ask someone to help me. As they place it on a cart for me, I check out, and walk out of Best Buy Happy, Secure and fully confident that it has been a good day...morning, now to wait 4 hours before the rest of the world gets up.

This is Black Friday. This is what some of the population does to get insane gifts for themselves and for others. I told you this story without giving away what was going on or where this gentleman was for a reason. This morning as I went out on a very ill-planned run (never again after Thanksgiving...ever) I thought about what goes through the average Black Friday Shopper's mind and came to an interesting thought. What if we thought this way about our walk with Christ? Would we be in a more INTENSE spot with Him? Would we have made crazy goals and done ANYTHING to reach them, striving for the last leg of the race to secure our prize? Think about it. I find it sad that people do this on Black Friday. Do you think God feels sad we don't do this everyday? Something to think about. No. Something TO DO! Go out and MAKE your walk with Him the best thing of your day. Period. I love you all.


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