Sunday, June 22, 2008


Well I think that it has been a while since I last left a thought or two on this blog thing. So lets Catsup.

I am doing well and my sumer is going great so far. I am working on some things for the junior high youth group that I am involved in and I am also working on a sweet game that me and some guys are putting together. We absolutely love to do this kind of stuff, so we don't really mind putting all of our time and effort into it. It is a good way to bring new kids into the scene and help them realize the bigger picture in their life and maybe even a life in Jesus Christ. 

I am also currently involved in a sumer camp in Evart, MI called SpringHill. I love the camp and it does one of the best jobs I have ever seen at getting kids excited about Jesus and who he is. Most of the kids that we work with are either really weak in their faith, or have grown up with it for their whole lives, so we don't hold anything back to give them an experience that they will never forget. I go back in July and I absolutely can't  wait.

I am going back to school in the fall, actually, August 25th, but I am excited to experience, yet again, something new. It will be hard at first, but I have no doubts that I will have a great time there meeting new people and experiencing new things.

As a discussion question, is a Christian's calling to "Go" as Jesus calls us to do in the end of Matthew?

Poem session:

The Station

The incoming wind of past journey and past experience
Rolls into the station of anticipation--where I wait.
"The sooner the better," I say to myself.  Sooner is better.
Half believing, half trusting--I cling to the known
Different is different and I am anything but indifferent to the “to be”
Who enjoys the breaking of normal days, routine schedules, similar acquaintances?
Why is the shifting of the seasons essential?
This barbed wire fence closes in—tighter and closer.
I don’t want to board—they can’t make me go.
Home is where the heart is—remember?
So Fast…We’re moving so fast!
Backpedaling is so tiring—so tired
It is imperative to forget forgetting
The cookie cutter shapers, the hands of the potters, the strokes of the painters.
All will never be forgotten—2 years will never be forgotten.

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