Hey everyone. It seems that life passed by faster than I ever thought it could this December. It may be myself, but I was not able to keep a hold on this month, watching it careen by, waving as it passed. Many things happened this month, and I am full of stories. It is a shame that I cannot divulge them right now, but this month has been filled with trials and happiness mixed. I have payed back my parents, emptying my account, I have reconnected with God, I have reunited with my best friend from New Zealand, things with my guys small group are going well. God is blessing me to say the least. I am thankful, I really am.
With friends to back me up, with my faith on the rise, with my family looking on the up and up, I truly feel blessed. I am also finally taking on my responsibilities and letting no man dictate who I am meant to be or act. I am letting God be my role model and not letting the approval of others shape how I act to and around others. It has been a complicated trial that I have been going through, but it seems to be going well.
I can't tell you how siked I am about FNBS (Friday Night Bible Study) right now. I feel that God is going to try and take back the hearts of the men in the bible study. I feel that He desperately wants that solid relationship that He desires in each and everyone of the men in FNBS. He has plans for them... I just ask that He show me the way to be the best example I can be: Be Christ. I ask that everyday be a new day in Him. That the first thing I know how to do in the morning is go to Him. That my only concern is if He would approve of my life. You God: Be my lifeblood.