Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Gorge
The Gorge
What flow the river flows
Glow the sun glows
Snow melts and grass grows
It’s true, the time slows
And it’s only God that knows
The discharge of my life,
My highs and lows
The breeze tingles as it blows
Simultaneously waking
as the bird crows
End of the trip—the van—it tows
Away our dirty clothes
My favorite weekend ends with prose.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
This poem is on moving on
In a While 12.18.2007
This is the last one for a while, about you that I shall compile—
Words into poetry, they flow o’ so easily—
When you were my muse, I was allowed to love and in fuse—
The emotions that spilled, it filled and drilled—now killed—
You love him, I saw it—nothin’ I could do to stop it.
Just don’t forget, I never did regret—
The feeling that I had for you, I held them for a year or two—
Now they filter through my mind, unforgiving, it needs to unwind.
Don’t worry..I’ll still be here, even though what I dreamed disappeared.
For you, I’d crawl a straight up mile, just know I’m done writing about you for a while.
Thursday, March 6, 2008

we all felt
the flowing minutes
the river stream of time
oh the sublime line of time
Buds anew
from the dew
EXPLODE with anticipation
the green, the pink, the beautiful
suddenly I begin to fall
Question the fixation
that we have with sensations
as pollen enters asthmatically
growth spoke loud
spring throws off winter's shroud
Cool breeze, hits my knees, with the ease to move trees, I just want it to please--warm up, my body from the bottom to the top, don't let it stop, I need this plot to continue.
It's coming, you hear it clearly, its not coming so easily, all I do is plea, that the growth would break free, enter into me.
Blossuming fauna, the aroma is a sauna, to every trauma, winter held-spelled-told-controlled-filled and killed.
The new day, overcame the dark, clouds part.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Pursuit of Awesomeness